Wednesday, July 24, 2013

She said 'YES' to the dress!

So, I have the most amazing circle of friends. Like absolutely incredible. I was never what you would call a "girl's girl", but these ladies definitely make me feel like I have sisters. With that said, one of these lovely ladies is getting married :) Okay, so they may not be engaged yet, but they might as well be. The two are completely head-over-heels in love and have been for so many years. They have a date set, and have started the planning process - so even though there isn't a ring quite yet, it's gonna happen. On May 17th, 2014, Josh and Kaitlyn WILL become Mr. and Mrs. Verette. End of story.... or should I say, the beginning of their's.

With all this said, Kait decided to start the hunt for the perfect wedding dress. She asked those of us who lived in/around the bcs area to come along, something that was super fun!! It was amazing seeing my best friend and sister so happy and watching her face light up with each gown. It was awesome. Kaitlyn was such a vision. Such a bridal beauty.

Here are a few snapshots from the day...

Kristina and Rebecca searching through gowns

Sydney getting in on the action

After only three dresses, Kaitlyn found the perfect dress. It is #GORJ and watching her reaction to it was incredible. Obviously, I'm not going to post a picture of her in the gown she chose..... but maybe this will tide all y'all over for the next 10 months...

you didn't actually think I was going to post anything that would have given the gown away, did you? This toes aren't even in a dress she liked.... you nosey little monsters.

I love my girls, and we all are so so excited for Kait's big day!!!! Even though they may have hated having me play paparazzi yesterday, I think they will someday thank me.... or punch me in the stomach....

Either or, really. 

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