Friday, June 28, 2013

Photo Friday

Well hey there!

This week's photo Friday was the coach's suggestion. You see, we are on the road - again - headed to Wyoming to visit my brother, his wife and my two wonderful nieces (one of which I haven't met yet). With that said, coach and I use road trips to talk about the future, our dreams, shows, ranking our top five fave show steers, play 'my horse' and just enjoy the scenery. So while stopped for lunch in Pueblo, Co - home of the funniest person I know and my legit soul sister, Kasie Pigg Smith - the coach asked me what picture I was going to use. At the time, I still didn't know so he suggested this beauty...

Yes yes, it is yours truly, at the tender age of 3, I believe... And if you know me, you've seen this picture a hundred times. But it is still one of my faves. Photo cred goes to my mom... From the get-go, I wanted to be a 'picture taker'. Actually I really wanted to be a livestock photographer. I ran around with my mom's old film camera... It didn't even have film in it, but I would still pretend I was taking pics. I've got a wild imagination, let me tell you. Anyway, I asked my mom if I would be able to take show pictures (yes that is literally what I asked) as a job and she said no, it would be too hard and the likelihood of me being good enough was too low. Well, I guess that idea didn't turn out. I don't hold it against her, but I love watching her reaction when she sees some of my work. 

Oh! And the other part of this pic... We raised cattle and sheep in Lancaster County, PA... So it was almost always green, chilly, smelled like Amish pastries and we always had something fuzzy and cute for me to be BFFs with. Good life, if I do say so myself. Plus for a circa 1990/91 style lamb, this dude wasn't half bad! 

Anyway, starting next week I'm going to start highlighting other photogs, so watch out! I could be stalking down your pics as we speak!! (Said in the most non-creepy way possible)

Have a stellar weekend my friends!

Monday, June 24, 2013

My Coach's Moment

In light of those silly little social media hashtags given for each day of the froggin' (ribbit, ribbit) week, I have decided to take a spin on #mcm, or Man Crush Monday. Each Monday, the coach will choose the topic of my blog. I mean, I may give him a little bit of grief on this here blog, but I love the man and value his opinions more than anyone else's... and he really is my forever #mcm. So why not dedicate #mcm to more than just an Instagram pic?

So here it is. The first #mcm - and in this case I mean #My Coach's Moment. Joe chose the title. I wish I could take credit, but I can't. He's such a smarty pants.

#MCM : Cute little girls with bows and cute little boys with fohawks.

Now, now... don't worry. We are NOT with child. And this is NOT some creeper type post. What the coach is referring to is cute little girls with bows showing cattle... same with little guys and fohawks. When I told him about #mcm for my blog, he immediately thought about back to this past weekend at the Golden Spread. If there is one thing that will make the coach smile bigger than Texas, it's when a cute little girl comes into the ring with a huge bow in her hair, dragging behind her a kick ace steer or heifer. It's like an instantaneous reaction that he wants to put them first. Same holds true with the fohawk. I may be partly to blame for this. The first show he went to go judge without me tagging along, I told him not to just use the 'cute little girl with the big bow in her hair' for showmanship. It was definitely a joke. The coach is absolutely wonderful with kids, especially younger ones. They make him literally light up. It's precious to watch... however, I worry that he will use one of those cuties, just because they are cute. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that... sort of. If they deserve it, then by all means give them the blue ribbon. Anyway, now whenever he does use the cutie with the bow, he goes on the mic and tells the story of me saying don't just use them. It can be embarrassing... I sometimes can feel the angry eyes of nearby mothers who think I have no soul. I do... I really do.... it was a joke.... he is even joking on the mic, I swear!! And this past weekend showed that.

There was plenty of adorbs little ones dragging some stellar prospects into the ring... but a few really honestly made MY heart melt. Sometimes, the coach will look up into the stands at me - partly to see if I am paying attention or just reading, and partly to see what my reaction is to a certain calf... or in this case a certain exhibitor. There were two that come to mind. The first was the MOST PRECIOUS little guy I have ever seen with a super cool looking lightweight Maine steer. He couldn't have been more than 7. And he was rocking to fohawk. And he was shorter than his steer. And it was SO CUTE! I looked at Joe with eyes that said, if you don't put him first, you are walking home. He got the hint... that and the steer honestly was awesome. It made him smile. Who wouldn't smile? The second 'awe' moment came with a little lady that I am quite used to seeing in the ring. She is easily the most incredible little thing that ever hit the show steer world. If I ever have a daughter (please, God, just don't) I want her to be just like this little wonder. Holy fluffy cow is she not just adorable? She hauled in the coolest little simmi steer.... and again, I looked at Joe.... and again, he listened to my unspoken words. I still think that steer was one of my favorite from the whole show. I really belief it's partly because of how precious she is. No, she wasn't wearing a bow - but how could ANY judge miss her? I mean seriously?!?!

When the coach gave me the topic I kind of laughed, but he proves a really big point : cute kids sell. A calf looks twice as quality when it is being stuck by a young, innocent looking showman. You can't not love them. Most of the time, a steer will work better for them, too. They pose less of a threat and really become (pardon the cheese) their friend. Call me a show mom-in-training, but this is the biggest thing I am looking forward to when we do have children. I mean, who honestly can resist this sight???

Yet another reason I refuse to judge shows.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Photo Friday... Saturday edition

A day late and a dollar short, but here's the second edition of photo Friday! I apologize for the delay. The coach and I are in Lubbock -well, Levelland actually. Coach is judging the Golden Spread with my fave bday buddy, Brady Ragland. I must say, it's been quite an impressive two days. Now if only there wasn't 150 steers left to show today... Or if only I had pages left in my book ... Or had remembered to bring my kindle... Then I might be a little more chipper. I find reading while the coach judges the best way to not be 'that' coach's wife who yells at her husband from the stands. I mean, he has to hear what he did wrong (in my most expert opinion) on the car ride home, so I might as well save him the public embarrassment. Anyway.... 

This week I felt the most appropriate photo would be one of our very own 'fluffy cows'.  Yup, I used it. Buzz phrase of the summer. Sorry I'm not sorry. It is what I'm gonna use as my muse this week... That and this pic is one of the only images I have saved on my phone (being on the road at random shows means making sacrifices - liking blogging via iPhone ). 

Sooo here we go- 

This is JoJo (don't you dare laugh- I did NOT name her) and her bull calf. It was taken about a month ago at the river place in bastrop. Back story- JoJo hates me. She is the only animal that has ever pinned me more than once. Unlike everyone else, I'm not the least bit scared of her and she hhhhaaates it. She's a b word. That being said, I laid on my belly in the grass for about 30 minutes just praying she'd move slower than I could... It wasn't my ribs I feared for- but if JoJo would have touched my camera her behind would have been on a trailer headed straight to the slaughter house... And then coach would have done the unthinkable... Been upset with me for the first time... Anyway, I love this shot, not just because this little guy is oh-so precious but because I rarely have time to actually shoot OUR cattle. Typically I'm running all over the southern US picturing/videoing - and when I do get the chance to be home there is always something to get done, leaving no time to just lay in the pasture with my camera, capturing our cows just being cows. But here I was lucky enough to get JoJo (coach's first heifer purchase since 'we' started) with her first calf. The flowers give a little extra pop of innocence, especially how they blur just perfectly and beautifully against my little man - even if he is sporting a nasty brown fluff. Fluffy cow or not, the shot means something to us, making it even more gorgeous.

There is nothing more fantastic than picturing cattle- especially like this. Coach may enjoy evaluating and raising cattle - as do I - but there is nothing I love more than to picture them. I sound corny- but if you really know me, you know this is true... And you know I'm unable to hide my corniness. Don't like it? My sweat! Just close this tab out on your browser and never come back (again said into wicked witch of the east coast voice.)

Well... I hoped this blog would take me a few more breeds to finish... Unfortunately, it did not. That's what you get for marrying a Rathmann... I fear our kids will inherit his long-winded-ish-ness (your mind in blown by that lame creation of a word, don't lie)... Like my dear friend T. Shack joked yesterday "your kids are going to give a set of reasons and the judge is going to ask them how long they thought they talked. He then is going to say to whatever response they give him 'well I watched half an episode of Friends sooo you might have gone a little toooo long'." I freaking love T Shack.

And that's all folks. Ps... I love the fact that #coachswife is trending on social media. I guess that means I should probably start blogging about something - anything - with some sort of substance, instead of just rambling... Eh, we'll see. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

Ink Dreams

Yesterday, Joe's family had one of their usual get-together type lunch's for Father's Day. Since these are typically held at Joe's house, it makes for the perfect opportunity to spend a little R&R working whatever steers are in the barn. While messing with one of the calves, my nephew(in-law) noticed my clover tattoo on my ankle. He immediately put on this horrified face and began lecturing me on how my body is God's and not my own. Mind you, this little guy is 9 (I think?), so hearing this kind of took me by surprise. He asked me why I would do such a thing as get a permanent tattoo. I told him, it was not my only tattoo, to which he demanded to see every other ink piece - setting me over the edge. I realize he is a child, but this judgement struck a nerve. We (as a culture) are fine with piercing the ears of our infants, but when it comes to tattoos, most people turn up their noses. One of my tattoos is God's words for crying the sunshine. Nothing vulgar or offensive. My young nephew was judging me for a four-leaf clover I have on my ankle. Repeating how disappointed he was in me and how horrible and ugly it was. The darn thing is smaller than a dime. Like really? But in the eyes of too many, I am putting graffiti on God's possession.

Let's go over my tattoos for the record.
*I got my first the summer of 2007 - my mother was with me. It is (like I said) a four-leaf clover. I am extremely superstitious and as a child would find actual four-leaf clovers in our backyard just about on a daily basis. I also used to set that particular foot a little bit further than the other when I gave reasons during collegiate judging. So obviously, I thought it was appropriate.
*My second came the summer of 2009. It is on the dead center of my back (not lower, not higher) and is a symbol meaning courage. I got it because the design is really cool and I believe it is an extra shot of courage pushing me forward. Of my tattoos, this one I like the least.
*Third ink came in the fall of 2012. It is a white tattoo of an infinity symbol with 'love' scripted in the curves. It is on my wrist, and I love it. Hardly anyone notices it.
*Fourth is my favorite. Joe loves my tattoos. Ask him. He does. He also isn't shy about the fact that he loves rib tattoos on the female species (not in a weird way). Before our wedding I had him write down a few lines of his favorite scriptures. Something that meant something to him. I took his writing and got it tattooed on my ribs - right on my side, hidden by everything except a string bikini. I kept it hidden from him and 'surprised' him with it on our wedding night. If you want to tell me I'm wrong for getting tattoos, well you didn't see the look on my husband's face when he saw God's words in his handwriting that will be on his wife forever. Sorry. He calls it 'his' tattoo... because it is.

I do not think my ink is that terrible. I do plan on getting more done, and in the near future. If you think it is an issue of whether or not I think my body is mine, or God's, well that's a different subject. I was raised Lutheran, converted to Catholicism after much time studying, praying and spending time with God. I have always been a christian and can not imagine my life without faith. So yes, I do know that my body is not mine. Which is why I don't use/eat/drink (in excess) things that will harm my body. I can think of a few people who claim to be holier than anything, yet go and get trashed or stoned whenever possible. I have prayed about each piece that I have had drawn on my body, and have never been told it was the wrong decision. You can go ahead and preach to me, just please don't live in a glass house about it. There... vent over. Breathe in, breathe out.

But, then again, how to you explain this to a 9-year-old. I chose to ignore him for rest of the afternoon. I'm so mature. In ten years I plan on taking him for his first tattoo.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

"I have vomit in my pocket"

It has been one of those days. Like the kind a pint of Blue Bell can't fix. The kind of day Joe needs to wear a helmet. And he did. Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed... though that's unlikely. I could blame "dream Joe" (the joe that enters my dreams but really acts very little like the actual Joe. He has a "dream Joelynn". She's psycho. And a B-word. And a hussy. It is my firm belief that if he would kill and burn "dream Joelynn" like the witch that she is, that my actual real life moods would improve) since he refused to kill the snakes infesting the pond I was trying to sunbathe in. Darn you dream Joe. I hate snakes. But no, that's not the issue. I don't think anything could have caused / improved this wreck of a day.

I'm going to bypass telling you about the morning / afternoon since I would like to maintain a healthy marriage. And I don't want to rat the Coach out on why he possibly didn't help my crummy mood... who forgets to pick up some very important bedding from the dry cleaners for an entire month?!?! But no, I won't rat him out like that. Just not my style. So lets flash to about 5:30 pm.

I was (like I said) in a slump. And when this happens, typically a relaxing, wonderfully uplifting trip to my favorite manicurist helps boost my spirits. Biggest problem is that this said mani man is in CS. Not Brenham. Only a 50-minute drive. But when in a witchy mood, sometimes 50 minutes can set you into a straight twitching fit. But at that point, I was more than willing to risk it. So in my car I go. Being the type ADD case that I am, I can never go for a drive without being on the phone. Thank you hands free phone technology. I typically call Joe first, followed by my immediate family. But since the pointed hat was still within arms reach, I decided to first try my parentals. No answer... that's right, they're in WY with big brother numero uno. So I ran to big brother numero dos. Success! I talk to Ryan 1 (I have two blood brothers and two BILs.... 3 of which are named Ryan. Seriously. You can't make that kind of thing up. And you thought the whole Joe^squared thing was weird... That's just the start of it) pretty often, he is *sappy comment alert* my best friend and the person I respect the most in life. Tonight's convo took place in a horse barn. No seriously. Molly and Ryan 1 have ponies. It's special. They (the ponies) hate me. Hence my fear of ponies. Anyway... while he was leaving the barn he had a brief turrets moment, cursed like a Donough and said he had to call me back because my amazing 3-year-old nephew, Maddox, was throwing up all over himself. He called me right back, said Mad-Man was fine and even said he had good spirits about the whole ordeal. Ryan said Maddox said... and I quote "I have vomit in my pocket". Holy poo I almost got in a wreck I was laughing so hard. Just awesome. Guess you had to be there/know the situation. But the story continues......

So I make it to my mani man... and my day of doom continues. How can this be? Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... how many times do we need to go over this? I like my nails the length and strength that they are. It's been 6 months since these nails have seen glue or acrylic and I would really like to keep them going in this positive, healthy direction. And no, I do not want them ROUNDED... who are you? Why are you suddenly acting like you haven't been my mani man for the past four years?! Then... oh THEN... he asked what color I was feeling. My response? Bubble-gum pink, hold the shimmer/glitter/metallic nonsense. I'm not ten. I like my nails simple. Not tacky. Doesn't go well with my lazy persona. So what am I looking down at? Ten nails that look like a unicorn took a poo on. Don't get me wrong, it isn't terrible... it has just been that kind of day. I hate to sound like a chapter of 'White Girl Problems' ( Babe Walker, you are my icon ), but this is my blog and today I want it to sound like the rambles of a crazy, spoiled little brat. Hmph.

The day continues... I went to the super-market to restock on our fridge of fresh and yummy produce. While closely inspecting celery hearts, my face was slapped with a terrifyingly cold and unannounced mist of... I pray water. My reaction was a high squeak/jump combo that I'm sure was rather annoying to endure. The young gent picking out produce nearby saw this reaction and decided to laugh.. and followed this up with a half-donkied attempt to make small talk... over produce. Dear God, what did I do to deserve this? Well, in a snap his lady friend appearing person swooped in and (shouting in my general direction) said "NO! We only eat organic greens, honey!". Wha-wha-seriously?!?! Did you just say... really?!? I sure do hope girlfriend could not read minds. Then again, it would be good for her if she could. I'm take my produce/beef/everything with a little bit of chemicals, hormones and whatever else makes it grow better, faster, bigger and bug-free.

I sound crazy. Don't judge me. I sound needy. Don't judge me. This is my first 'pitty me' entry. Don't judge me. It's been a crummy day. One where pizza doesn't even taste good. Believe me, I tried. Don't judge me.

But then again, it could be worst. I could be doing Maddox's laundry tonight... hmmm.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Photo Friday

Holy moly, I'm blogging two days in a row. Woo!

I've decided to instill a 'photo friday' on this here little bloggy. Ps - please forgive the *still* lack of design or appeal... I'm working on it. Being without photoshop for a few days is proving to be much more difficult than I thought it would be. All I want is a pretty little header for this blog. That's all. And an appealing/blog relevant image. And not being able to size down said relevant image is kind of a drag. Literally. No, blogger, I do not want to tile my background image... just make is small enough so I can make it stays put and still be able to see all of it! please and thank you. I'm an awful blogger. I need to watch more Awkward or Sex in the City. Jenna and Carrie make this crap look easy. Or stalk down more blog sites. Anyone got some suggestions? The whole lazy thing hasn't changed overnight.

Gahh another rabbit hole.... back to Photo Friday. Since I do kind of house a boat (like titanic sized) load of images, why not have a "fave" pic for the week.... and being that it's the current trend to have an event or play on words for each day of the week (thanks social media, really) why not do this little deal on Friday? I'll highlight just one image - and it does not necessarily have to come out of my camera. I'm definitely an art junkie, so who knows what I'll pick.

So here we go, the first ever photo friday. I figured I would start with one of my own. And no, it is not my spiffy new blog background image (which I believe describes our -me and the Coach's- life pretty perfectly.. red sole and all).

*This photo was not drug into photoshop, and I do NOT shoot in auto... so go ahead and think I'm not decent at taking pictures, it doesn't effect my pride... but while you are at it, close this tab and never come back (said in my wicked witch of the east coast voice). Rude, hateful people are not even worth my cyber time. Vent session: over. 

The above image is one of my fave shots from our delayed honeymoon. It was taken from the deck of our hotel in Sorrento, Italy. Sorrento is pretty much a cliff town, with a gorgeous port and some of the most spectacular views the Mediterranean (and the World) has to offer. The dock, Naples' City lights and Mt. Vesuvius all blend together to frame the shot just perfectly. I'm pretty obsessed it. I wish pictures could capture the beauty of the Amalfi Coast, but they really just can't.

Great, now I want to go back to Italy. Now. Booooo.

Welp, I have successfully completed my first Photo Friday. I feel pretty solid about it. I hope you enjoyed the image and reading my random ramblings.

Lata babies.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer to do: Stop being lazy

Well, it's safe to say I've been neglecting this here little blog. I apologize. Life happens. And in the world of a coach's wife, even your off days are packed with something. Between sales, senior portrait sessions, shows, finishing up the spring sale season and classes (for coach), finally taking our honeymoon to Italy, breaking steers, experiencing my first dust storm (still freaked out on that one), deciding to go back to school, catching up on RHOC and RHONJ and Awkward.... yeah I really haven't thought much about this said blog. I'd like to say I am going to get better about posting, but I don't want to be a liar. Soooo.... I'll just say 'I'll try'.

Anyway, summer is certainly here - which is super awesome in the fact that we actually get to slow down for a little while... but is even better in the fact that summer means camps, shows and getting to see all my faves. And by faves, lately, I mean the returning sophomores and incoming freshmen who will be on the team starting at the end of the summer....

Now, I have a confession. I am not a big fan of livestock judging. It did me wrong at the end. way wrong. I blame and thank one person. He knows who he is. However, seeing as I felt the need to fall in love with an aspiring turned actual livestock judging coach - I'm stuck in this world. Let me make myself clear on one thing here real quick: I dislike the act of judging, not the judging world. That being said, I don't mind spending my days talking about judging... just as long as I don't have to ever mark a card again. EVER. AGAIN.
But, on the other hand, there is one aspect of this big evil game we call livestock judging that I really do enjoy : getting to know the team / getting to know potential team members / recruiting. Call me crazy, but these little buggers become my 'babies'. I'm a total mother hen (in an anxiety induced hen house build with no windows and walls covered in lead paint), so when I get to know the teamies, they become my loves. It may just be the amazing recruiting ability of Poe (prior to his big boy move) and Callis (and I guess josepi... ), but the group is always packed with awesomeness. I grow to love them, and I always enjoy spending time with them.... plus when they get mad at josepi, I am totally cool with them venting that crap to me... I'm a mother hen that knows the Rooster is full of a lot of cock-a-doodle-doo. Anyway, I'm always excited when Coach lets me come to a practice or tells me about some potential team member that is coming on a visit. It brings me back to my happy days of collegiate judging. Don't get me wrong, I'm a proud bucojuco alum... but this whole being a coach's wife thing has made me a huge Blinn Buc supporter. Like, ya know that show mom in the stands that wears the obnoxious colored shirt with bling on it that reads "I love my show kids" or whatever... the one who is yelling and screaming and clapping her hands when her kid does good... or throws a fit when they don't... I feel like I'm becoming that. It's sad but true. (However, I will NEVER wear a blingy, tacky t-shirt. EVER.) When Joe tells me of a new recruit that I know/like, I do a happy dance. When someone asks me about judging, I tell them about Blinn... and do a happy dance. When I get to see some of the members of the current team - especially sarah, karah, whit and/or taylor.... yeah I do a happy dance. I feel like a maj cheerleader, but I get so excited for these kids. I'm crazy. What can I say. They have been the highlights of my summer thus far. To take this even one degree more to the creepy edge... When I talk to some of my show babies (definition: exhibitors I became close with while I was working for showchampions, either just by chance, or because they understood my antics at the backdrop, or they were just some of my fave exhibitors... therefore I call them my babies... or in other words, my friends who are younger but actually way more mature than I could ever dream of being) who are still in high school, I start getting all pumped at just the thought of them maybe thinking about judging at blinn. Again, I'm cray. So, if you are thinking about coming to judge at Blinn, after reading this post you are well prepared for the craziness and embarrassment that might come from this "team mom".

Back to a non-creepy directed post.. our summer looks like it is going to continue in this positive and fun-packed direction. Coach is judging some show (I never ask, I just load up and go) near Lubbock next weekend, so we will be returning to the land of dust - side note, I really really enjoy Lubbock. Had I actually visited when I was considering where to go to senior college, I'm not sure what I would have decided. But, then I look at my aggie ring and I remember to slap myself out of that thought process (still love lubbock and all my tech babies -- just saying, nothing beats being an aggie). July looks pretty nuts. Lots of weddings. Which I am excited for. I am no longer required to act like I enjoy the sound of "all the single ladies". It's the small victories in life that I love most. I'm hoping I'll blog before all of those weddings happen. But I honestly doubt it. Yeah, I really doubt it. Sorry I'm not sorry... just lazy.

:) Stay classy, my babies