Sunday, March 3, 2013

Houston, oh Houston

Today marks the end of my first week in houston for #hlsr. Yup, I just hash tagged. It was easier than writing it out. Anyway, as most of you know, Ideal Video Productions (the kick butt company I work for) is broadcasting the show via (super cool). I must say, it's been a long but very rewarding week. Mostly we have only covered open cattle since that's what has been at the show. However- the fun shows are still remaining .. That being junior cattle and junior market. So far I've slacked on this whole blog thing--- BUT! for the remaining duration of #hlsr, I plan on blogging either daily or every other day. Now, with this said, I will be needing topics. I'm open for suggestions, but considering I am such a friendly person I will be doing a few exhibitor spotlights- I love my show kids. With that, ideal will also be doing some cool stuff. If you haven't already, go like them on Instagram ( idealvideoproductions ) we will be having a little contest for all junior exhibitors that has a pretty neat price... I mean, coach hubby literally said "can I participate?" when I told him what we were giving away.

Anyway! Week 1, you've been cool. Now please continue with your coolness for the remaining 13 days :)