As some of you know, I do not consider myself an editor, designer or anything creative. However, Ideal Video Productions - the amazing company I work for - was the broadcast company for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo this past March. We videoed and broadcast all open cattle and junior market shows, with the exception of the Steer Show. Houston tested out their ability to broadcast with the steers - and they seriously did such a kick A job. Still, I was able to be in the ring during pre-selection, as well as do the walk to Reliant in order to get some shots to create a highlight video with. Since media access is tight on the floor of Reliant, we weren't able to get the 'slap'... But maybe someday that will be lifted for companies like us and ShowChampions. Like I said, I'm not an editor. I hate editing pictures... because I suck at it... and editing video is probably my least favorite part about my job. I'm not design-minded, so cool stuff doesn't honestly just come to me.....
BUT with all of that said, I have never been prouder of any project in my entire life. When I put together this segment a few months ago, I had chills the entire process. It still gets me a little choked up. Don't you dare laugh. I'm not a designer/editor - like I said - so this is a big deal for me.
Please take a second or two to watch this highlight of the 2013 HLSR Grand Champion Steer selection.

Let it roll through once, for loading purposes. Please don't just watch a few seconds. Watch the whole length.... you won't be sorry. I promise

Let it roll through once, for loading purposes. Please don't just watch a few seconds. Watch the whole length.... you won't be sorry. I promise
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