Well, it's safe to say I've been neglecting this here little blog. I apologize. Life happens. And in the world of a coach's wife, even your off days are packed with something. Between sales, senior portrait sessions, shows, finishing up the spring sale season and classes (for coach), finally taking our honeymoon to Italy, breaking steers, experiencing my first dust storm (still freaked out on that one), deciding to go back to school, catching up on RHOC and RHONJ and Awkward.... yeah I really haven't thought much about this said blog. I'd like to say I am going to get better about posting, but I don't want to be a liar. Soooo.... I'll just say 'I'll try'.
Anyway, summer is certainly here - which is super awesome in the fact that we actually get to slow down for a little while... but is even better in the fact that summer means camps, shows and getting to see all my faves. And by faves, lately, I mean the returning sophomores and incoming freshmen who will be on the team starting at the end of the summer....
Now, I have a confession. I am not a big fan of livestock judging. It did me wrong at the end. way wrong. I blame and thank one person. He knows who he is. However, seeing as I felt the need to fall in love with an aspiring turned actual livestock judging coach - I'm stuck in this world. Let me make myself clear on one thing here real quick: I dislike the act of judging, not the judging world. That being said, I don't mind spending my days talking about judging... just as long as I don't have to ever mark a card again. EVER. AGAIN.
But, on the other hand, there is one aspect of this big evil game we call livestock judging that I really do enjoy : getting to know the team / getting to know potential team members / recruiting. Call me crazy, but these little buggers become my 'babies'. I'm a total mother hen (in an anxiety induced hen house build with no windows and walls covered in lead paint), so when I get to know the teamies, they become my loves. It may just be the amazing recruiting ability of Poe (prior to his big boy move) and Callis (and I guess josepi... ), but the group is always packed with awesomeness. I grow to love them, and I always enjoy spending time with them.... plus when they get mad at josepi, I am totally cool with them venting that crap to me... I'm a mother hen that knows the Rooster is full of a lot of cock-a-doodle-doo. Anyway, I'm always excited when Coach lets me come to a practice or tells me about some potential team member that is coming on a visit. It brings me back to my happy days of collegiate judging. Don't get me wrong, I'm a proud bucojuco alum... but this whole being a coach's wife thing has made me a huge Blinn Buc supporter. Like, ya know that show mom in the stands that wears the obnoxious colored shirt with bling on it that reads "I love my show kids" or whatever... the one who is yelling and screaming and clapping her hands when her kid does good... or throws a fit when they don't... I feel like I'm becoming that. It's sad but true. (However, I will NEVER wear a blingy, tacky t-shirt. EVER.) When Joe tells me of a new recruit that I know/like, I do a happy dance. When someone asks me about judging, I tell them about Blinn... and do a happy dance. When I get to see some of the members of the current team - especially sarah, karah, whit and/or taylor.... yeah I do a happy dance. I feel like a maj cheerleader, but I get so excited for these kids. I'm crazy. What can I say. They have been the highlights of my summer thus far. To take this even one degree more to the creepy edge... When I talk to some of my show babies (definition: exhibitors I became close with while I was working for showchampions, either just by chance, or because they understood my antics at the backdrop, or they were just some of my fave exhibitors... therefore I call them my babies... or in other words, my friends who are younger but actually way more mature than I could ever dream of being) who are still in high school, I start getting all pumped at just the thought of them maybe thinking about judging at blinn. Again, I'm cray. So, if you are thinking about coming to judge at Blinn, after reading this post you are well prepared for the craziness and embarrassment that might come from this "team mom".
Back to a non-creepy directed post.. our summer looks like it is going to continue in this positive and fun-packed direction. Coach is judging some show (I never ask, I just load up and go) near Lubbock next weekend, so we will be returning to the land of dust - side note, I really really enjoy Lubbock. Had I actually visited when I was considering where to go to senior college, I'm not sure what I would have decided. But, then I look at my aggie ring and I remember to slap myself out of that thought process (still love lubbock and all my tech babies -- just saying, nothing beats being an aggie). July looks pretty nuts. Lots of weddings. Which I am excited for. I am no longer required to act like I enjoy the sound of "all the single ladies". It's the small victories in life that I love most. I'm hoping I'll blog before all of those weddings happen. But I honestly doubt it. Yeah, I really doubt it. Sorry I'm not sorry... just lazy.
:) Stay classy, my babies