A few weeks ago, my bff/the coach's bff/jessie's bff/our roommate/general entertainer, Cody Wellmann asked what it would take to get a "shout out" on this here little bloggy-poo.... Well, here ya go, Wetty. You got your shout out.
But that kind of gave me an idea for a blog. I'm dedicating this post to a "shout out" of sorts, but then tying that into my usual rants about what a photographer should/should not do/ what a client can expect from ME when I come to video/picture their cattle/other livestock. This way, you know exactly what to expect when you hire me.... or something like that.
Okay, so first off (the shout out part) I'm going to tell you the stock photogs I admire/ look up/ think of as BAs.
1.) the one and only - Christy Collins. Need I explain? She is without question the most talented cattle photographer of the era... and the person I strive to be like on a daily basis.
2.) Anyone I worked with at ShowChampions / are now employed by the company. Because their work is clean, high quality, professional and amazing. When it comes to show photography, no company is better. End of story.
3.) Kyla Copeland/ the Focus Marketing group. Kyla is rocking it. No two ways about it. I love her work.
4.) whoever's logo is 'KM' .. kudos to you! Always producing legit shots of some legit cattle.
When I see the logos of these 4 companies/individuals, I know the shot is going to be a great one.
Now, as far as portrait work, I respect just about everyone. For one thing - I dislike portrait work. This is because I'm not a designer and I rely heavily on my ability to shoot high quality images without having to drag them into photoshop. When it comes to people pictures, this action is standard. I'm not saying I won't do it, I certainly will... but only if I a) know the person I'm taking pics of ... and b) feel comfortable enough around that person that I can be completely myself. Typically, I only agree to picture my livestock friends... since most of them will understand when I start jumping around like a monkey. Anyway, I love love love looking at other peeps work... two of those in particular are/is Morgan Meisenheimer and Taylor Walker. These two young ladies do an AMAZING job. And are SO fantastic to be around. I look up to both of them for sure.
Here's why I say all of this... the response from my recent rants about "photographers" was overwhelming - in a good way. I'm not trying to "dis" anyone. That's not my job/place/how I was raised. All I'm saying is if what you are selling/providing to people as "professional photography" can be done on an iphone app.... you might want to reevaluate your style. Jusssssayin'. Plus, if you have worked in photoshop, you can tell when a picture has been messed with. However, most cattlemen aren't blind, either. So when you put a steer on a new background or take something out of the background, we can see it. My father-in-law can even see it. Google how to photoshop cleaner. If you have five of the same branches in a row because you had to take out a hand.... WE WILL NOTICE THE FIVE EXACT SAME BRANCHES LINED UP. If you think it looks weird, guess what? Everyone else is going to think it looks like shhhhhhhhh-crap. And don't get me started on tilting.... wow. Gah.
And for the love of God, do NOT come at me AGAIN with all your nonsense saying you have how ever many facebook followers, blah, blah, blah because you assume I'm talking about you. The good photogs know they're good, don't have to copy others, and don't have to do stupid design techniques to their images. Because they are Just. That. Good. If you don't like what I'm saying, don't read my blog and STOP ASKING MY TO 'LIKE' YOUR PAGE.
I digress.
Okay, so with all of this...now onto what you can expect from me....
*I will be on time (98.99999% of the time)
*I will be prepared
*I will prepare (get directions/exact numbers on what is being filmed or pictured/etc) at least a week before I get to your place. I don't do surprises. Solely because I go from zero to anxiety attack in t-minus 2 seconds.
*I'm directionally retarded. But my GPS is not.
*I am a guy's girl. Ask the coach's friends. I just get along with males more quickly than females. With that said....
*I'm not girly. Do not think that for a second
*Not much scares me. Literally.
*Unless something other than me touches my still camera
*Or I see a snake. Soooo... warn me if your place is prone to the pythons.
*I prefer picturing stuff off the halter. I can control the shot so much more. Plus, the animal will look much more natural and higher quality.
*But I will picture on halter if you would like me to.
*But I will take it off in photoshop. Halters and crap - the literal kind - are the only two things I will photoshop without you asking me to.
*I'm not afraid of a bluffer. I can smell one from a mile away
*Don't assume I'm afraid of your bull. I'm not
*However, I am TERRIFIED of your pony.
*Don't ask why
*I will be entertaining.
*I will make you laugh
*But will do so while doing a kick a## job
*I don't slack
*Even though I'm a girl and I'm witty, do not assume I have no idea what I'm doing/looking at/how an animal is supposed to look. Please.
*I will not do something that someone else has done. That meaning, I don't copy others work.
*Please don't ask me to
*I will use our shoot as an opportunity to tan my face and shoulders, so...
*If I start to look burnt, don't worry... my skin is fabulous and the burn won't last more than a day
*I will have your images ready/"done" the same day or the following day after your shoot.
*Because I don't need to edit.
*That is if you get ears
*Always be prepared to get ears
*I don't need a team of more than 3 (not including me) for the video pen and 2 (including me) for photos.
*However, I do enjoy it when there are people working in the back, getting cattle ready/having the next lot ready to go/etc.
*Your videos will be edited 5-7 business days after I come home from your place.
*I don't need a lunch break
*Because I pack snacks
*I will eat those snacks while working
*Don't judge me
*Please let me know if the fence I'm standing beside is "turned on" or has electric running through it. I will scream.
*I was raised in a barn. I've had my butt kicked by a rouge bull before. So I know how to move/handle/act around your rouge bull. I'm 100% comfortable around said bull. However.....
*I will geek out if the mosquitos around your place are bigger than said bull.
*If your cowboys arrive to the shoot hungover, I will make their lives a living hell. And you will be 100% entertained.
*I'm not rude
*If I have nowhere else to go after your shoot, I will be glad to help you put cows back/move stuff around/lend a hand.
*I will take my time with a picture
*Don't rush me through taking a picture
*If I'm satisfied with a shot, you will be too... I promise
*Do not bring up PSU or JoePa.... unless you are prepared to have me go cray cray yankee
*You won't hear me say anything negative .... unless it's below 50 degrees.... I hate cold.
*I will provide a professional, high quality product.
*And an endless supply of wit and smiles
This is how I roll... I love what I do, and I love the people I work with/for. I enjoy every second I'm on the job and the time I spend in between shoots. I hope this post has given you more of a perspective of what I do/my thought process. I'm not using this post to brag about myself or to talk "smack" on anyone. I'm just giving you as a reader a better look into the life of this coach's wife.
Sorry, I'm not sorry.
If I get yelled at for this post, I'm blaming it on you, Wetty.