Monday, August 26, 2013


Okay, so I've been neglecting my blog. And by neglecting I mean I'm just too darn busy to actually post regularly. The fall has started. The team is back in town (THANK YOU GOD!). And, well, sleep overrules my blog 98% of the time. I will work harder at being more frequent with my posts. I promise. I think. 

So since it is monday... 

This edition of #MCM, My Coach's Moment, isssss :: First day of school.

Oh yeah. Revolutionary, huh? But the coach isn't just a coach... he's a professor, too. He teaches AgEco both on the brenham and bryan campus. I think he's happy to be back... wait, no. Sorry. That excitement is dedicated to the team and getting back to a hard core workout schedule with them. Don't get me wrong, he enjoys teaching. I just think he likes it more when four animals are standing in front of him. 

Anyway. Here's my take on the "back to school" "first day of school" posts that have been flooding social media; if you have kids - I'm obsessed with seeing your posts. If you are in college - wake up. The first day does not equal happiness. You are stuck for either one, two, three, four or more years in what I consider to be cruel and unusual punishment. I mean, take aTm for example. How cruel is it that you can look out of the window in some of the buildings on campus and see North Gate? Like COME ON! But seriously, for those of you who dressed cute on the first day of college.... I warn you.... that mentality won't last another week. Just saying'.... I mean, I'm sorry but an hour more sleep far outweighs combing my hair. 

I'm happy school is back in session, however. Why? Well, it's obvious you see! The number of "selfies" on social media has drastically decreased from the hours of 9 am until 3 pm. It's awesome. Everyone saw Miley "twerk" (SOMEONE DEFINE THAT FOR ME PLEASE!) on the MTV Music Awards last night (except for this kid - proud to say I missed that mess), right? It was painful to watch... even ridiculous, right? Well that's the pain selfies cause me. I'm serious. 

On that note... I started snap-chatting! It's kind of creepy... but kind of hilarious! I have some pretty unique facial expressions - for those of you who know me, you know this to be way too true - so snap chatting is like texting with more emotion (for me at least). I dig it! But if I get one more pic of food, I might stab someone (Kait, you're the exception). I mean, my belly does NOT need a reminder that I haven't eaten in the past five minutes. 

I blogged. I'm happy. The coach is laying on the couch watching Warm Bodies - surprisingly one of my fave movies. About to cook up some italian (Authentic... like legit.... like it's from our Italy trip) grub. Life is good.

You might see another post tomorrow. Eh, actually that's kind of unlikely.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

#MCM, tuesday edition round... 5?

As many of you are well aware, there has been a bit of a mass coaching change throughout the country.  For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about... the collegiate judging world is going through a bit of a topsy-turny summer. A large number of schools will be debuting new coaching staff this fall, or have in the past year (the coach included). 

Here's a few of the schools/universities that have experienced changes this past year, or will be experiencing change starting in the fall::

Last year change >
- Blinn 
- Texas A&M University 
- Black Hawk East 
- Probably a few others... my brain is going blank, however. I'm old. Forgive me.
This year >
- Butler Community College 
- KSU 
- Conners State College 
- South Plains College
- Redlands Community College ...
which brings me to ...
- Blinn (again.....)

So here's where this week's #MCM comes in.  Brandon Callis (former coach at Blinn) has moved to El Reno, Oklahoma, thus taking the role as head coach at Redlands Community College. We love the Callis family and will certainly miss them dearly - and wish Brandon all the best at RCC. 

So... as many of you have heard, this means a new coaching staff member at Blinn... and let me tell you, the coach has been so excited for this particular #mcm, he could hardly sit still....soooo...

#MCM :: Welcome, Brice Mund

I could have said "welcome to the Blinn LJ family", but that would have been incorrect. Brice was on the 2006/2007 team here at Blinn, and has been a crucial member of the buc nation ever since. He has helped with the team on trips, and significantly assisted with recruitment while holding his previous position as extension agent here in washington county. Brice was a member of the 2008 TAMU livestock judging team. After receiving his degree from aggieland, Brice got his master's from Sam Houston State - where he served as coach of the University's Livestock Judging Team. As I mentioned, for the past few years, he has returned to the Brenham area, rocking his job at the 4-H offices. 

If you know Brice, you know this addition is a great one! The coach could not be more pumped to have Brice standing beside him in years to come here at Blinn. Oh- and I really have to give a shout out to the -now- leading lady of #blinnwinn, the beautiful miss Brylie - Brice and Callie's baby girl. 

I mean, is Brylie not the most precious child ever?! 

Brice and (his gorgeous, talented and wonderful wife) Callie Mund

To say Brice and the coach are ready to get things rolling this year is an understatement. The kids cannot get back into town and back into the vans quick enough!!! 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Review Post

Okay, so my last review post was quite popular, so I figured I would instill another one....

Last night, the coach, my best friend Kaitlyn, her "hubby" Josh, and I went on a movie date. It was for sure a fun night, filled with delish chow and lots of laughs... but I know y'all are far more interested in what movie we saw... soooooo..... Let the review commence! (said in the professor slughorn voice. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please crawl out of the hole you live in)

We Are The Millers :: AMAZING! End of story. Froggin' hilarious. The coach claimed it to be one of the funniest movies he's ever seen. I think what made the film such a hit was how the four lead characters interacted so dysfunctionally together. Plus... for those of you (like me) who watched Vanderpump Rules on Bravo, the little girl who left the restaurant because she got a role next to Jennifer Aniston... actually did! As a stripper! And she played it perfectly! Oh, and you get to see JA in her skivvies... which I know the coach enjoyed. And the camp sight scene... oh my Gaaahhhhh.

Anyway, I'm not sure I've laughed that hard in a really long time. So all in all, I give it 5 gigs. I suggest it to everyone... It is rated R, however, annnnnnd for an incredible reason. So proceed with caution. Females - if you have a weak tummy, watch what you eat before viewing this one ... bahahaha!

More reviews... now on DVD/been on DVD/but I've just gotten the time to watch it...

The Host :: Solid. I actually liked it, and I hated the Twilight movies (yes, yes it's true. I loved the books but hated the movies. Sorry Kristin Stewart, but I strongly dislike you... / hate you). I mean, I've gotta admit - the acting was pretty second rate. For those of you that have seen Red Riding Hood -  you know that the main male character just kind of sucks at acting. But Gaaaahhhhhh is he not the prettiest thing ever? Who cares if he blows at acting? I'll keep watching him.. Anyway, this is one of the first book-turned-movie that I've seen without reading the book first. I'm disappointed I didn't, too. And now I'm nervous to read it (I'm weird like that). But I'm sure I'll be bored on a plane at some point in time this fall and get it read. Anyway...

Books finally finished (I haven't gotten very far with this list. Downtime is getting slimmer and slimmer.... damn you, fall season)

Mortal Instruments ... 5?  Whichever is the last one out.. LOVE! This series has a lot of ups and downs, but overall I think it's pretty solid. I'm excited for the release of the first movie in a week or two. And yes, I am dragging the coach to watch it with me. He's pissed. I'm pleased :)

Yeah, that's pretty much the end of my review list.... I'm about to start James Patterson's Mistress ... pretty excited about that one... even though the commercial for it is creepy as all get out.

Until next time, my friends.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Photo Friday

It's Friday.... and I'm actually blogging "on time". Be impressed. No really, please be impressed.

This week's Photo Friday comes from the third of our July weddings. Corey and Allison got hitched in the most gorgeous, amazing way possible. I mean, it's July. In Texas. And they had an outdoor wedding. And it was BEAUTIFUL! Like whoa. Like nutso. Anyway... the duo that shot their wedding day was a married couple (McGowan Images -- Stephenville, Texas), and let me tell you... THEY ROCK! I'm not saying the coach is a hard person to impress, but (since he was in the wedding) he came running to me as soon as he could after the ceremony, telling me how incredible the photogs were (are). I don't think he's ever done that. But, then again... he was right! Not only were they super cool, put up with our group's craziness, and were fun to work with ... but they also had images from the wedding posted on their blog THAT NIGHT! Like what?! Holy speedy!!!! And not just any images.... but some seriously incredible ones!

I'm not just saying this, but this duo produced easily the BEST wedding images I have ever seen. From top to bottom... I love them all. Here are three of my faves....

HOW GORJ? I mean, really?
I die..... seriously?

BEST IMAGE EVER! Take it all in, my babies... take it all in.

It certainly doesn't hurt that Allison and Corey are such a wonderful couple. They completely deserved such a fairytale wedding day, with insane images to remember it with. 

For more info on this photog duo, visit their website, blog or facebook. I am completely a fan of their stuff. Love, love, love.... cannot say enough positives about them. 

Did I mention I really liked their pictures? Jussssssayin'

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shout out and mild rant

A few weeks ago, my bff/the coach's bff/jessie's bff/our roommate/general entertainer, Cody Wellmann asked what it would take to get a "shout out" on this here little bloggy-poo.... Well, here ya go, Wetty. You got your shout out.

But that kind of gave me an idea for a blog. I'm dedicating this post to a "shout out" of sorts, but then tying that into my usual rants about what a photographer should/should not do/ what a client can expect from ME when I come to video/picture their cattle/other livestock. This way, you know exactly what to expect when you hire me.... or something like that.

Okay, so first off (the shout out part) I'm going to tell you the stock photogs I admire/ look up/ think of as BAs.

1.) the one and only - Christy Collins. Need I explain? She is without question the most talented cattle photographer of the era... and the person I strive to be like on a daily basis.

2.) Anyone I worked with at ShowChampions / are now employed by the company. Because their work is clean, high quality, professional and amazing. When it comes to show photography, no company is better. End of story.

3.) Kyla Copeland/ the Focus Marketing group. Kyla is rocking it. No two ways about it. I love her work.

4.) whoever's logo is 'KM' .. kudos to you! Always producing legit shots of some legit cattle.

When I see the logos of these 4 companies/individuals, I know the shot is going to be a great one.

Now, as far as portrait work, I respect just about everyone. For one thing - I dislike portrait work. This is because I'm not a designer and I rely heavily on my ability to shoot high quality images without having to drag them into photoshop. When it comes to people pictures, this action is standard. I'm not saying I won't do it, I certainly will... but only if I a) know the person I'm taking pics of ... and b) feel comfortable enough around that person that I can be completely myself. Typically, I only agree to picture my livestock friends... since most of them will understand when I start jumping around like a monkey. Anyway, I love love love looking at other peeps work... two of those in particular are/is Morgan Meisenheimer and Taylor Walker. These two young ladies do an AMAZING job. And are SO fantastic to be around. I look up to both of them for sure. 

Here's why I say all of this... the response from my recent rants about "photographers" was overwhelming - in a good way. I'm not trying to "dis" anyone. That's not my job/place/how I was raised. All I'm saying is if what you are selling/providing to people as "professional photography" can be done on an iphone app.... you might want to reevaluate your style. Jusssssayin'. Plus, if you have worked in photoshop, you can tell when a picture has been messed with. However, most cattlemen aren't blind, either. So when you put a steer on a new background or take something out of the background, we can see it. My father-in-law can even see it. Google how to photoshop cleaner. If you have five of the same branches in a row because you had to take out a hand.... WE WILL NOTICE THE FIVE EXACT SAME BRANCHES LINED UP. If you think it looks weird, guess what? Everyone else is going to think it looks like shhhhhhhhh-crap. And don't get me started on tilting.... wow. Gah. 

And for the love of God, do NOT come at me AGAIN with all your nonsense saying you have how ever many facebook followers, blah, blah, blah because you assume I'm talking about you. The good photogs know they're good, don't have to copy others, and don't have to do stupid design techniques to their images. Because they are Just. That. Good. If you don't like what I'm saying, don't read my blog and STOP ASKING MY TO 'LIKE' YOUR PAGE.

I digress. 

Okay, so with all of onto what you can expect from me....

*I will be on time (98.99999% of the time)
*I will be prepared
*I will prepare (get directions/exact numbers on what is being filmed or pictured/etc) at least a week before I get to your place. I don't do surprises. Solely because I go from zero to anxiety attack in t-minus 2 seconds. 
*I'm directionally retarded. But my GPS is not. 
*I am a guy's girl. Ask the coach's friends. I just get along with males more quickly than females. With that said.... 
*I'm not girly. Do not think that for a second
*Not much scares me. Literally. 
*Unless something other than me touches my still camera
*Or I see a snake. Soooo... warn me if your place is prone to the pythons. 
*I prefer picturing stuff off the halter. I can control the shot so much more. Plus, the animal will look much more natural and higher quality. 
*But I will picture on halter if you would like me to. 
*But I will take it off in photoshop. Halters and crap - the literal kind - are the only two things I will photoshop without you asking me to. 
*I'm not afraid of a bluffer. I can smell one from a mile away
*Don't assume I'm afraid of your bull. I'm not
*However, I am TERRIFIED of your pony.
*Don't ask why
*I will be entertaining. 
*I will make you laugh
*But will do so while doing a kick a## job
*I don't slack
*Even though I'm a girl and I'm witty, do not assume I have no idea what I'm doing/looking at/how an animal is supposed to look. Please.
*I will not do something that someone else has done. That meaning, I don't copy others work. 
*Please don't ask me to
*I will use our shoot as an opportunity to tan my face and shoulders, so...
*If I start to look burnt, don't worry... my skin is fabulous and the burn won't last more than a day
*I will have your images ready/"done" the same day or the following day after your shoot.
*Because I don't need to edit.
*That is if you get ears
*Always be prepared to get ears
*I don't need a team of more than 3 (not including me) for the video pen and 2 (including me) for photos. 
*However, I do enjoy it when there are people working in the back, getting cattle ready/having the next lot ready to go/etc. 
*Your videos will be edited 5-7 business days after I come home from your place. 
*I don't need a lunch break
*Because I pack snacks
*I will eat those snacks while working
*Don't judge me
*Please let me know if the fence I'm standing beside is "turned on" or has electric running through it. I will scream. 
*I was raised in a barn. I've had my butt kicked by a rouge bull before. So I know how to move/handle/act around your rouge bull. I'm 100% comfortable around said bull. However.....
*I will geek out if the mosquitos around your place are bigger than said bull. 
*If your cowboys arrive to the shoot hungover, I will make their lives a living hell. And you will be 100% entertained. 
*I'm not rude
*If I have nowhere else to go after your shoot, I will be glad to help you put cows back/move stuff around/lend a hand.
*I will take my time with a picture
*Don't rush me through taking a picture
*If I'm satisfied with a shot, you will be too... I promise
*Do not bring up PSU or JoePa.... unless you are prepared to have me go cray cray yankee
*You won't hear me say anything negative .... unless it's below 50 degrees.... I hate cold. 
*I will provide a professional, high quality product. 
*And an endless supply of wit and smiles

This is how I roll... I love what I do, and I love the people I work with/for. I enjoy every second I'm on the job and the time I spend in between shoots. I hope this post has given you more of a perspective of what I do/my thought process. I'm not using this post to brag about myself or to talk "smack" on anyone. I'm just giving you as a reader a better look into the life of this coach's wife.

Sorry, I'm not sorry.

If I get yelled at for this post, I'm blaming it on you, Wetty.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Photo "Friday" / Home Sweet Home....Pennsylvania?

This one is going to be like my typical photo Friday... except on crack. If you follow my blog, you know the coach and I were in Pennsylvania last Sunday until yesterday. It's was a really great, busy week. I miss seeing my family and friends, so getting to catch up with everyone (including my brood ewes) was nothing short of wonderful.

So with that you are about to witness some of my favorite shots from the week. Most were taken at my county fair - where I got to wear three different hats ... official photographer, judges wife and (most crazy of them all) judge. I know, I know... I said I would never judge a show again for as long as I lived. But it wasn't bad. I survived. My champions were straight studs. Plus, I didn't even make a kid cry this time (yes, I actually have done that) so I'll count the experience as a win.

Anyway, let's begin with my babies.

Now, need I remind all you snoops that I DO NOT edit my livestock images. Aside from slapping a logo in one corner and occasionally taking off a halter or some crap - the literal kind - I do not, will not and think it's tacky and retarded to alter my livestock images. So critique away and call yourself a "photographer" because you put corny, cheesy and just plain ugly color techniques and "design" manipulations on your pictures... oh and while you're at it... get the H off this page. Go stalk someone else.

This is my parents' new buck, Spook..... I dig him. Thankfully, the coach is getting pretty good at helping me picture sheep ;)

My baby, Iris. 7 years old and still lookin' like a stud. This shot kind of sucks...but regardless... I love her... please ignore the POS in front of her. 

Meet Maddison, my AMAZING niece. I love her. So precious. Too cute for words.

I ventured into the horse picturing world last week, too. This shot didn't make the cut of final images selected (something about her nostrils not being as flared as they were in some of the other shots or something), but I still thought it was cool. Looks like I'm not too shabby at Arabian photography... kind of exciting... that is if I wasn't TERRIFIED of equine. Makes no sense. None. 

Welcome to the Lancaster County 4-H Fair ;)

One of my faves from the sheep show... it was one of the coach's first breeding sheep judging experiences. He did a nice little job, if you ask me. 

LOVE THIS!!!! He's so great with youth. I love him.

One of my favorite families of all time.... Ben Welk with his champion market hog. I kind of fell in love with this hog. But, I mean.... look at her. She's a stud. 

'Sup homie?

It does not get ANY CUTER than this little lady! She made our week/weekend!!!! And yes, we show dairy steers in Lanco... we call them "baby beef" or "dairy beef". Their purpose is to prepare 4-Hers for "big" steers..... so typically, the cute, adorbs little showmen flock to this club.... and I love it. 

You remember the picture I posted Monday? Well, this is the corn field across from my parents' place.... yeah.... the crop is lookin' pretty solid this year. 

I finish with the loves of my life. Iris is on the far left with two of her daughters by her side. I love this shot. I don't care how much crap I catch for raising sheep, I wouldn't change it for the world. I am 100% a cattle girl at heart (yes, it's true) and I will be for the rest of my life... but I would not trade my momma Iris for anything. I miss my babies already. 

Hope you enjoyed a few of my fave shots from PA. More posts will be coming soon, I promise.

Oh, and it's good to be back in Texas :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

That moment....

When I'm on my parents' computer and about to be done with an 8 picture upload for a "photo Friday" blog post and the effing power goes out. Seriously? Seriously? And of course, I'm stuck re-uploading them all... on essentially dial-up internet.

So y'all are going to have to wait until we get back to Texas tomorrow for my "photo Friday" on crack edition.... eff you, power. Ugh.

Here's a shot to hold y'all over until tomorrow. Because I'm not about to sit here for another two hours.....
...cuz it would be like watching the corn grow.
On a side note, the corn is REALLY froggin' tall here in Lancaster County. Like what the crack?