Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I should have posted this yesterday. I even had time to post this yesterday. But I was way to caught up in a book to desire to post this yesterday. It's true. Go ahead, judge me. But for those of you who have read the Divergent series/trilogy/two books that are currently out... you completely understand. I can't even begin to describe how awesome the first two books are. There is a trailer out for the first movie. Google it. Then buy the book. And nod your head in agreement.

Back on track....

This week's #MCM :: appropriate and professional social media posting for the collegiate age.

Yup. You read correctly. For those of you who have been through the trials and tribulations of college, you understand where the coach is coming from. AND if you are in a coaching position and have access to the internet, you REALLY know where he is coming from. Let me make one thing clear - the coach does not have a facebook, twitter, instagram or any other type of social media outlet. But his wife, mother, friends and coworkers do. And, he has a phone. What does that mean? When he is looking over my shoulder at my facebook or he hears someone talking about a picture or status that was posted about his students doing something they shouldn't be, he gets a little irritated.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Joelynn, you are a froggin' hypocrite for even posting this. And you're right. I am. However, I'm old. Above the legal drinking age. I have a career. I post some pretty nutso, blunt, rude and even somewhat humorous stuff on this here blog of mine. Since you see the way I am now, just imagine how I was in college.

Here's the difference - 8 years. In the past 8 years, social media has gone from "oh hey, what's a Facebook?" to "you DON'T tweet? You must be a loser". That doesn't make my past actions right. But it does mean that if you post something stupid on any forms of social media, it is just that - social. That means your dirty laundry or night long beer olympics is now viral. Anyone can access that information.

Just about every single employer now-a-days will run a standard "stalk-out" on a young person before they hire them. This way they can see what a person is actually like, not just the robot in the interview chair, trained to respond exactly as they should to impress their hirer. Heck, the coach had me facebook stalk each recruit as they came in - sorry guys! This is just what our society is leaning towards. If you don't like it, don't post stupid crap! Then you won't have to deal with the repercussions!

I'm not saying 'don't have fun' ... go ahead, act like underage idiots. Risk your future. See what happens. But I am saying keep that crap off the internet. You look trashy. You look lazy. You look like a depressed drunk. You look factionless (book worm humor).

So here's the take-home message.... No matter what you post, the people you don't think will see or you don't want to see it, see it. So every time you are about to post something, think to yourself - would I say these words, show this picture or video or talk this way directly to my parents, my grandparents, my coach, my professors, my future employer, my future spouse, my future children or even my friends? If you hesitate or answer no to ANY of these people... backspace, delete, rewind and DON'T FROGGIN' POST IT!

Oh, and if he breaks up with you... please.... for .... the .... love.... of... God.... KEEP THE TEARS TO YOURSELF! Twitter doesn't care.

Whew! That was fun.

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