Tuesday, July 16, 2013

#MCM, Tuesday Edition

Okay, so I'm a little on behind with the blog. I'm SORRY! Life happens. If y'all didn't like it so much, you wouldn't have even noticed... anyway.... I'm going to hold off on my missed Photo Friday and keep it for this week - because it's worth it. As for #MyCoach'sMoment... I'm a day late. Get over it. This weekend kicked my butt and has me all out of whack. But I'm blogging now. So enjoy.

This week's #mcm is inspired by this past weekend's.... ummm.. happenings...

#MyCoach'sMoment :: Through sickness and in health.

The coach reminded me last night that I had missed the 'normal' monday #mcm. He actually sounded excited when he said he wanted this week's topic to be those five little words. He has his reasons for picking the them... oh yes, that's for sure. But I'm going to steer clear of why. Let's just say, on saturday at the coach's best friend's wedding - which was GORGEOUS - I acted like I was 18 with a fake ID dancing at Harry's like I just got a new mini skirt. I hurt. Still. The coach was not impressed. I doubt I'm going to pick up an alcoholic beverage ever again. Ever. Again.

But back to the main point. When you say the vows on your wedding day, you say them with butterflies in your heart, a knot in a stomach and a tear in your eye. Sometimes, we don't actually think about the words. Seeing as the coach and I have been married now for 199 days (oh yes, I have a day counter), we have caught glimpses of just how valuable those vows really are. And since July seems to be wedding month for us, we get to hear them said by our best friends as well. Sort of a simple reminder of 'Hey, you're hitched, Remember?'! Personally, those five words remind me that no matter how much of a drama queen I can be, the coach is going to be there for me no matter what.... Even when I'm calling dinosaurs for twelve straight hours... he still is going to make sure I'm alright.... and tell me to take a shower when I finally get my act together - thanks boo ;* But no, seriously. You never realize how much those vows mean until you have been married.

Since December 29th, I've cried at every wedding I've attended. I apologize for what I'm about to say - but I don't cry for the couple. I cry because I am reminded of our wedding. Being married really is something beautiful. Being joined to your best friend, soul mate and the love of your life through God for eternity is a feeling unlike any other. You are no longer just one person. You are a couple. No longer do your thoughts only concern yourself, but more each other. It is completely wonderful and such a blessed feeling.

Plus, when I puke he is legally bound by God to clean up after me.

Poor guy.

No matter how angry we are at each other, how completely filthy and sweaty we get working cows, how injured I always end up, or how drained or sick we may feel, he is my husband and I am his wife. We will be there through it all... even if he sells my favorite heifer....(oy vey).... I still will love him. And he still will love me. That's what it's all about. Obstacles will come, but we aren't worried. As long as we never forget those vows we spoke to each other, there is nothing to fear...

Except a drunken coach's wife.


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